Your project will be added and this list will be deleted from 'Issue'. To participate create a 'Issue' with the name beginning with '#pydracula_project', leaving the link of your project on Github, name of the creator and what is its functionality. See the projects that were created using PyDracula. Images/: put all your images and icons here before converting to Python ( pyside6-rcc resources.qrc -o Resoucers_rc import *' to use as a module.
py and change the line 'import resources_rc' to 'from. You can compile it manually using the command: pyside6-uic main.ui> Modules/ file related to the user interface exported by Qt Designer. Modules/ add here only functions related to the user interface / GUI. Modules/ 'resource.qrc' file compiled for python using the command: pyside6-rcc resources.qrc -o Modules/ global variables to configure user interface. Modules/ add your application's functions here. Modules/: module for running PyDracula GUI. cx-Freeze setup to compile your application (configured for Windows). Resouces.qrc: Qt Designer resoucers, add here your resources using Qt Designer. application initialization file.
The Qt for Python project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository and an open design process. Python build Project Files And Folders PySide6 is the official Python module from the Qt for Python project, which provides access to the complete Qt 6.0+ framework.