You may also want to look into these other WordPress errors, as you could be experiencing multiple of them:
While the error text itself may not be very helpful, knowing this makes troubleshooting much easier.
It may also be an issue of database corruption. Much like the White Screen of Death, the issue can usually be traced back to an issue with PHP: either your memory limit being surpassed, or an error in your code, plugins, or theme. While this is less panic-inducing than your site simply refusing to load at all, the error text isn’t much more helpful than before, and it’s likely to leave you wondering: What causes this critical error? Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.” The “There Has Been a Critical Error on Your Website” error. In recent versions of WordPress, this blank screen has been replaced with the critical error and the text “There has been a critical error on your website.
This startling glitch would cause your entire website, and sometimes even your backend, to load as a blank white page. If you’ve been using WordPress for some time, you’ve likely heard of or possibly even encountered its most infamous error: the White Screen of Death. What Causes the “There Has Been a Critical Error on Your Website” Error?